The Man of Rock

An ordinary fisherman found himself on land instead of a boat when he received a nickname that would define his life and legacy: “You are Peter,” Jesus of Nazareth told Simon of Galilee. A humble man who had built his life on rolling waves was now known among his friends, and soon the world, as the Greek word for rock.

A rock reminds one of strength, permanence, and reliability. Simon Peter often fell far short of these attributes. He failed to understand the purpose of his Master’s mission. He resorted to violence when he should have shown restraint. He lied multiple times about his relationship with Jesus. He doubted friends who shared their experiences with the Resurrected Christ. Jesus at times rebuked Peter for his rash behavior, his lack of faith, and his failure to understand his role in serving the Savior of the World.

Yet the Perfect Son of our Perfect Father made no mistake in renaming His chosen Apostle. This Fisherman of Galilee became The Man of Rock in both name and deed, boldly declaring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the same rulers who crucified his Master. Peter walked on water, endured imprisonment and beating, healed multitudes in the name of Jesus, and led the Church of Jesus Christ after the Savior ascended to Heaven. 

This man who would “curse and swear” that he knew nothing of Jesus is the same man who, when threatened with imprisonment and death for teaching of Christ, fearlessly responded, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” Violently beaten by his accusers, Peter and his companions reacted with gratitude, “rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for [Christ’s] name.” 

Peter’s transformation from wavering to unyielding is an invitation and guide for all men seeking to shoulder the responsibilities God places before them. Doubt can be transformed into faith. Fear can fall to courage. Weakness can give way to strength. 

A Man of Rock is a synonym for a Man of Christ. Jesus, the “Stone of Israel” is the one sure foundation upon which a man can rely. A floundering man shrouded in weakness will find support and transformation as he turns to Jesus and His Gospel. Jesus is that Rock on which all men must build. Relationship troubles, financial pressures, and work stresses can be shouldered through the Grace of Christ. Feelings of regret, doubt, discouragement, and fear can be changed through repentance and faith in Jesus and His Atonement. 

Paul, Peter’s fellow Apostle of Jesus Christ, declared that “I can do all things through [Christ], who gives me strength.” All things. Jesus is the source of all strength. 

Jesus changed water to wine. He changed cascading waves to calm seas. He changed a few loaves of bread and two fish into a feast for thousands. He changed death from permanent to temporary. He changed Simon the Fisherman into Peter the Apostle.

Jesus can change a willing man into a Man of Christ, a Man of Rock.